
We are shipping to worldwide by China Post Registered Mail, the parcel is shipped from our warehouse in Shanghai China, you are expected to receive your parcel within 15-25 business days after your payment is clear. For some unexpected reasons like bad weather, customs scanning, holiday season delay, the shipping may have a longer waiting time. We will add you a tacking number after 24 hours your order is made. If you cannot receive your parcel by 30 days, please contact our customer service, you can either request a resend or refund on your order.

We are also providing "7-15 Business Days Shipping" by ePacket to selected countries, we charge flat shipping fee for each shipment.

The fastest shipping option we are providing is "4-6 Business Days Shipping" by UPS/Fedex/DHL/TNT to selected countries, we charge flat shipping fee $20.00USD for each shipment.